10 Steps to Build a Community Internet Network


The Community Networks Readiness Assessment Handbook was developed by community networks practitioners in Africa. It is aimed at Africa-based practitioners and organizations who want to expand into community networks. The approach was informed by the challenges faced on the Continent and by the strategies people have used to overcome them.

1. Understand Community Network Examples

What can you learn from other community networks? All over the world, people are coming together to build and maintain their own Internet connections by setting up municipal and community networks, cooperatives, and other complementary access solutions.

2. Identify the Community and Champions

Who is the community you are seeking to serve? Who are the individual leaders or organizations that can help champion your work? Your first task is to clearly determine what exactly is the “community” for your network.

3. Define the Functions and Services

What services and functions can your network provide to your community? These are critical questions to answer as you plan your network.

4. Identify the Regulatory Requirements

What regulations, legal frameworks, and policies will your network need to comply with? Understanding regulations, legal frameworks, and policies that your network will need to comply with is critical for a successful launch.

5. Determine Technology Requirements

What technology do you use to connect your users? To connect to the Internet? Unfortunately, there is no single technology solution that will work best for every community network.

6. Research Financial Sustainability

How do you fund your community network over the long term? You need to develop a successful business model to ensure that the people, technologies, and processes are able to operate over time in a sustainable manner.

7. Decide on Organization Structure

Who owns your community network? Who makes decisions? How you structure your community network is a critical step. Is it a nonprofit organization or a cooperative? Is it part of a local or municipal government? Is it a private company? Does it have an elected or appointed leadership team?

8. Engage with Stakeholders

How can you get your community excited and bought into the launch of your network? Your next step is to plan public meetings and other ways to engage your community.

9. Deploy the Community Network

It’s time to connect! After all the research, planning, and engagement, it’s time to bring connectivity to your community!

10. Monitor, Maintain, and Improve

Are people using your network? How can you improve it? With your network launched, what is working well for your users? What are your users asking for next?


 Analyse Internet usage carbon footprint


Results area - features:

Time during which the device has been running, from the start of the analysis,
Quantity of data generated by Internet browsing,
Electricity consumption generated by data traffic,
GHG emissions this leads to,
Comparison of GHG emitted by browsing and GHG emitted by charging a smartphone,
Comparison of GHG emitted by browsing and GHG emitted by driving a car.

The box "How to change that? What responsibility?" links to publications from The Shift Project about environmental impact of our digital uses and solutions we have at individual and collective scales.



1 hour of Netflix viewing is equivalent to 100 gEqCO2. So what?


What is important is that this metric will allow service designers to track their improvement. With the details of this impact, they will be able to identify the hotspots. It will allow you to compare yourself to a competitor and to position yourself.

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 The Amazon Echo as an anatomical map of human labor, data and planetary resources

By Kate Crawford 1 and Vladan Joler 2


We finally know how bad for the environment your Netflix habit is


Streaming platforms finally have a tool to evaluate the size of their carbon footprint. Now they need to take action and go green
